Rick of Wood: A Comprehensive Firewood Guide
Navigating the world of firewood can be a bit daunting, especially with terms like 'rick of wood', 'cord', 'face cord', and 'seasoned wood' floating around. If you've ever wondered about these terms or pondered questions like "how much is a rick of wood?" or "what's the difference between a rick and a cord?", then you're in the right place. This comprehensive guide will answer these queries and more, providing you with a deep understanding of the world of firewood. From the drying process of green wood to the exact wood measurements used of firewood stacks, we'll cover all you need to know.
What is a Rick of Wood?
A rick of wood, also commonly known as a face cord, is a unit of measure for firewood. The terms rick and face cord often cause confusion as they are used interchangeably, but they refer to the same amount of wood. A typical rick or face cord measures 4 feet high by 8 feet long. However, the depth can vary based on the length of the firewood logs. For instance, if your firewood logs are cut to 16 inches, a rick of this firewood would be 16 inches deep.
Understanding Firewood Measurements
When it comes to firewood, understanding the standard units certain terms of measurement is essential. A "cord", a "face cord", and a "rick" are the most commonly used terms.
A cord of firewood is a well-defined measure, generally described as a stack of wood logs that is 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long. This makes the total volume of wood inside a cord 128 cubic feet.
On the other hand, a face cord (also known as a rick in some regions) varies in size depending on the length of the firewood logs. A face cord typically represents one-third of a full cord, but this can vary to different sizes depending on the length of the pieces. However, the most common face cord dimensions are 4 feet high, 8 feet long, with a depth of the log length.
The term rick often causes the most confusion, as the size of a rick of firewood can greatly vary depending on geographical location. In Oklahoma tradition, for example, a rick is often used to describe a stack of wood measuring 4 feet high by 8 feet long. But the depth can vary, generally speaking, a rick of wood refers to an amount of wood that is equivalent to a third or half of a full cord.
These measurements directly impact the heating capacity of your firewood. A full cord of dry, seasoned wood is expected to provide as much heat as 150-200 gallons of heating oil. Understanding these measurements can significantly influence your decisions when it comes to buying firewood for different scenarios, such as a serious fire pit, barbeque, camping, or heating your home throughout the entire winter.
Keep in mind that these are general guidelines. The actual amount of firewood you'll need can vary depending on many factors, including the type of wood, its dryness, the efficiency of your stove or fireplace, and the severity of the winter.
Remember, purchasing firewood is not just about volume but also about weight. Seasoned firewood is lighter, easier to burn and produces less smoke than green wood. So, when you consider how much firewood to buy, think in terms of both volume (cord, face cord, rick) and weight.
I recall one winter, my neighbor and I decided to compare who had gotten the better deal on our respective wood purchases. I had bought a full cord, while he had chosen two ricks of wood. We found that despite the difference in volume, we'd paid around the same amount, as my wood was seasoned, and his was green wood. Not to mention, I had fewer problems with insects and had more heat production from my wood.
So, next time you're in the market for some firewood logs, remember these standard units of measurement, and make an informed decision that will get you through the winter comfortably, and perhaps save you a few bucks along the way!
Firewood Cord Calculator
The Firewood Cord Calculator is a tool designed to assist users in determining the number of cords of firewood they possess. Users should provide the dimensions of the firewood, including the width, height, and length in feet, in order to calculate the volume. By inputting these values, the calculator computes the number of cords using the formula (width x height x length) divided by 128, providing an estimation of the quantity of firewood available.
Choosing the Right Amount of Firewood
Whether you're looking to heat your entire home throughout the winter or just want to enjoy the occasional cozy fire, understanding the difference between a firewood rick and a cord of wood will help you estimate how much firewood you'll need. For instance, a small wood stove might only require a rick of wood for the entire winter, while a larger fireplace or a wood furnace might demand several cords. It's always a good idea to assess your needs before purchasing firewood. If you're unsure, consulting with a firewood supplier can provide a more accurate estimation based on your specific circumstances.
Choosing the Right Firewood
When it comes to selecting the right firewood, you need to consider several factors, and the type of wood is definitely at the top of the list. Broadly speaking, firewood falls into two categories: hardwoods and softwoods.
Hardwoods, such as oak or maple, are denser and heavier than softwoods. They burn slower and produce more heat, making them a popular choice for firewood. A single rick of seasoned oak firewood can provide more heat than most softwoods and can last significantly longer. I once used oak firewood for an entire winter and was thoroughly impressed with its performance.
Softwoods, such as pine or fir, are lighter and easier to ignite. They burn faster and produce less heat compared to hardwoods, making them suitable for kindling or for use in outdoor fire pits. However, softwoods tend to produce more smoke and sparks, which could be a concern if used inside.
When choosing your firewood, consider the heat output, aroma, sparking, and coaling qualities. For example, hickory and applewood are renowned for their pleasant aroma when burned, making them popular choices sell firewood for an evening by the fireplace or for barbequing.
Another important factor to consider is the environmental implications of using different types of firewood. Burning firewood is a more sustainable source of heat than fossil fuels. However, it's important to source your firewood responsibly. Look for locally sourced, seasoned firewood. Transporting firewood over long distances can contribute to the spread of pests and diseases. Furthermore, burning green wood contributes to air pollution, as it produces more smoke.
The choice of firewood also has implications for the maintenance of your fireplace or stove. Hardwoods produce less creosote, a sticky by-product of burning wood that can build up in your chimney and pose a fire risk. So, by choosing the right type of firewood, you're not only ensuring a warm, cozy home but also reducing the need for frequent chimney cleanings.

Purchasing Firewood
When it comes to buying firewood, one of the most common questions is, "How much should I buy?" The answer to this question varies depending on several factors, such as the severity of the winter, the efficiency of your heating system, and your personal usage habits.
As a rule of thumb, an average home that requires firewood for heating during the entire winter may use between 3 to 5 cords of wood, depending on the factors mentioned above. However, it's more common to buy firewood by the rick, particularly in certain regions.
In regions like Oklahoma, firewood is often sold by the rick rather than the cord. The reasons for this are largely historical and cultural. Selling firewood by the rick allows for smaller, more manageable quantities to be sold and transported, making it a convenient choice for both sellers and buyers.
When comparing buying by the rick to buying by the cord, it's important to consider both cost-efficiency and convenience. While a cord of wood is usually more cost-effective in terms of the amount of wood you get for your money, the upfront cost is higher. Buying by the rick, on the other hand, allows for a lower initial outlay and the flexibility to buy more as needed.
But remember, the most cost-effective option is not always the most convenient price-wise. If you have the storage space and you know you'll need a certain amount of wood throughout the winter, buying by the cord might be the best option. On the other hand, if you only need firewood for a few weekend camping trips, buying a rick at a time might be the way to go.
Consider your needs carefully before making a decision. If you have enough storage space, buying a larger quantity can save money in the long run. However, smaller quantities can be easier to manage and store.
My personal anecdote? I once decided to buy an entire cord of wood for a winter at my cabin. While it was more firewood than I usually buy for several months, I found that not only did I save money, but I also enjoyed the convenience of not having to restock my firewood supply during the cold months.
How Much Does a Rick of Wood Cost?
The cost of a rick of wood can vary significantly depending on the type of wood, whether it's seasoned or green, and where you live. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $70 to $120 for a rick of seasoned firewood. Green wood, which is freshly cut and not yet dry, is usually cheaper, but keep in mind it won't burn as efficiently as seasoned wood.
Will a Rick of Wood Fit in a Pickup Truck?
Once you've made your firewood purchase, the next step is transportation and loading. When dealing with ricks of firewood, the size of your truck bed will dictate how much you can transport at a time.
For example, a typical pickup truck can hold around one rick of wood, depending on the size of the truck bed. Smaller trucks with beds around 5 feet long can comfortably fit half a rick, while larger trucks with 8-foot beds can typically hold a full rick. Remember, these are rough estimates, and the actual amount may vary depending on how well the firewood is stacked.
When using firewood for home heating, you'll need to consider your average consumption rates. As mentioned earlier, an average home might use between 3 to 5 cords of wood for heating during the winter. However, this can vary greatly based on the efficiency of your heating system, the size of your home, and the severity of the winter. To use your firewood most effectively, make sure to start with dry, seasoned wood, maintain a hot, clean burn to reduce smoke, and regularly remove ash from your fireplace or stove.
If you're ordering larger quantities of firewood, you might want to consider firewood delivery services. Many suppliers offer this service, and it can save you the hassle of transportation, particularly for larger orders. Not only can this save you time, but it also ensures that your firewood is delivered right to your door, ready for stacking.
Storing and Stacking Your Firewood
After purchasing start stacking your rick of wood, it's essential to store it correctly to maintain its quality. Stacking your firewood properly can allow air to circulate, speeding up the drying process for green wood and keeping seasoned wood dry. A well-stacked rick also takes up less space, and believe it or not, it can be quite satisfying to see a neatly stacked pile of firewood ready for the winter!
Glossary of Terms
To further help you navigate the world of firewood, here's a quick glossary of some common terms:
- Rick of Wood/Face Cord: A stack of firewood measuring 4 feet high by 8 feet long. The depth varies depending on the length of the logs.
- Cord: A stack of firewood that is 4 feet high by 8 feet long by 4 feet deep, providing a total of 128 cubic feet of wood.
- Seasoned Wood: Wood that has been dried, either naturally or through a kiln, making it suitable for burning.
- Green Wood: Freshly cut wood that contains a high amount of moisture and isn't suitable for burning until it's been properly dried.
- Rank: Another term for a stack of firewood, similar to a rick. The exact definition can vary by region.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a rick of wood?
A rick of wood, also known as a face cord, is a stack of firewood that measures 4 feet high by 8 feet long. The depth can vary depending on the length of the logs.
How many Ricks are in a cord of wood?
Generally speaking, a full cord of wood is equivalent to about three ricks. However, this can vary depending on the length of the firewood logs.
What is a rick of wood vs face cord?
A rick of wood and a face cord typically refer to the same amount of wood. Both measure 4 feet high by 8 feet long, with the depth varying based on the length of the logs.
What is the difference between a rank and a rick of wood?
Essentially, a rank and a rick of wood are the same,both referring to a stack of wood measuring 4 feet high by 8 feet long. The difference lies in the depth of the stack, which depends on the length of the logs. In some regions, a rank may be used to describe a loose stack of wood, while a rick refers to a more neatly organized pile.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right firewood is crucial for your home's heating needs. By understanding the various measurements and terms related to firewood, you can make a more informed decision and get the best value for your money. Whether you're buying a single rick or a full cord of wood, remember to consider the type of wood, whether it's seasoned or green, and how it's been stacked. After all, purchasing firewood isn't just about keeping warm - it's also about enjoying the process!
Remember, the world of firewood doesn't have to be confusing. With the right knowledge, you'll find it's as cozy and welcoming as a well-lit fire on a winter's day. So go on, embrace the winter chill with your newfound firewood expertise. And when you're enjoying that perfect fire, you'll know it was worth every penny.